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Order Fulfilled

When you\’ve successfully finished your purchase you will receive an email confirmation from us. You should contact us if there\’s any problems regarding your purchase as quickly as possible before it reaches the stage of processing.


Note: Orders that include more than one item are assigned a processing period based on each item.

We\’ll conduct thorough examinations of your items and ensure they\’re properly packed prior to shipping. The majority of orders are shipped within less than 24 hour.

For further assistance, please submit a ticket at our Support Center. Our dedicated CS team will be in touch with you in 24 hours.


It is important to note that it could take a bit of time for the tracker numbers on the website to be displayed. If you are unable to locate it, please try again after a while. You can be assured that regardless of what updates are added to the website, the estimated time of delivery will not change.

It is strongly suggested that customers purchase shipping insurance as well as the tracking number prior the checkout process. This will provide them with security when waiting for their package.

Contact us

If you encounter any issues after or after delivery, please call our customer service. The customer service team will be able to provide you with a solution that is satisfactory.